Lord of the Flies (81-103)
Chapter Name: Beast from Water!
Hello Again!
This chapter was interesting the group had a meeting and Ralph
had a fight with Jack.
It’s amazing how quickly one person can ruin everything, why
I say that is because if everyone bowed down and listened to Ralph, thing would
have gone a lot more smoothly then how they are going at the moment. But because
Jack had to be a Hunter everything’s going out of control, I understand the
Ralph is giving orders but I don’t blame him, if the littluns have no control
they won’t know what to do. Littluns are what the group call the younger boys.
Plus if the older ones don’t have orders they will do what they want and
important things won’t get done, like the fire.
I think if Ralph resins from being chief things will go up
in smoke, if Jack becomes chief he will just hunt and hunt and hunt which isn’t
going to get them off the island. That’s why I think that Ralph should continue
being chief.
To wrap this up, this chapter was over all interesting and I
think that it was epic. Goodbye for now.
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