Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lord of the Flies Blog 7

Lord of the Flies (Final Chapter)

This is my final blog. I have had to cut this short because I haven't done enough homework and haven't completed the book...But as my final blog I will right a final summary.
I think the 'Lord of the Flies' overall is pritty good, but it is a little slow at the start. I really enjoyed the story but the dialogue was hard to understand sometimes when Golden wrought it with the old English. However if you are ok with a slow start and can understand old English then this is certainly a book for you. Over all I really enjoyed reading Lord of the Flies.
Well that's all I can say for the time I had,
Fred over and out!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Lord of the Flies Blog 6

Welcome back fellow Blogger!
This Blog is all about chapter 7 (Shadows and Tall Trees). In this chapter the biguns come back from looking for the monster and went hunting for pigs.
I don’t know why the older group went looking for the monster, what I mean is when it gets dark don’t go looking for a beast, come on wait till the morning, sure it will be a long night with nightmares and stuff but don’t look for the beat at night.
I really think that hunting for pigs has gotten into Jacks head; I mean does he really have to go to the extent of making a song? Seriously he’s possessed or something… well I guess being on an abandoned island doesn't help. The song is pretty violent “kill the beast, cut her throat, spill her blood!” I'm not sure how it is a good song…it could be happy like “Find the pig, cook the pig, eat the pig!” or something…

Well that’s all folks!!!!!!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Lord of the Flies Blog 5

Lord of the Flies (103-119)

Welcome back fellow adventures!
In today’s Blog I’m going to talk about chapter 6 ‘Beast from Air’.  I’ve just noticed that I may have skipped a chapter…I don’t think I blogged ‘Hut on the Beach’ (Chapter 3). I Blogged the two chapters in one Blog without noticing (chapter 3 and 4). Whoops! Oh well doesn’t make a huge difference. Anyway back to chapter 6!
In this chapter, the Twins thought they saw a monster, plus Ralph and Jack go looking for the monster and Ralph sees some more smoke on the horizon.
This book just keeps getting more interesting every chapter I read. It really is a classic like the blurb says. At first when the chapter introduces the monster, the description of the battle in the air makes it sound like a dragon but being a serious story I don’t think there would be dragons.
Ralph wants to get the fire going again, but he has to cross the forest to get up the mountain. This is where the twins saw the beast. If I were him I’d just go, it is better to run into the beast during the day, then during the night! But I will have to see what he does in the next chapter.

Goodbye for now!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Lord of the Flies Blog 4

Lord of the Flies (81-103)

Chapter Name: Beast from Water!

Hello Again!
This chapter was interesting the group had a meeting and Ralph had a fight with Jack.
It’s amazing how quickly one person can ruin everything, why I say that is because if everyone bowed down and listened to Ralph, thing would have gone a lot more smoothly then how they are going at the moment. But because Jack had to be a Hunter everything’s going out of control, I understand the Ralph is giving orders but I don’t blame him, if the littluns have no control they won’t know what to do. Littluns are what the group call the younger boys. Plus if the older ones don’t have orders they will do what they want and important things won’t get done, like the fire.
I think if Ralph resins from being chief things will go up in smoke, if Jack becomes chief he will just hunt and hunt and hunt which isn’t going to get them off the island. That’s why I think that Ralph should continue being chief.

To wrap this up, this chapter was over all interesting and I think that it was epic. Goodbye for now.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Lord of the Flies Blog 3

Lord of the Flies (Pages 60-80)
Welcome back,
I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog! :P First thing I did some research and I found out what ‘Creepers’ are, there the vine like plants which ground uncontrollably around the place.
But anyway back to the story, in this chapter Ralph saw a ship and Jack managed to kill a pig.
I think honestly think the first mistake that Ralph did was put Jack in charge of the Hunters, what I mean is that instead of establishing a hunter first, they should have figured out the essentials that would help them survive on the island. Like first look for a suitable place, then find fresh water, plan rescue, then find food, etc.  These are the first step that I would have taken in I were in this situation. Also like I said in blog 2 I would have split the jobs, like my Uncles say
“Lots of hands, make easy work.”
I like the idea to have a fire on the mountain for rescue, but I would have chosen a place closer to the huts for it, so if a ship is spotted at least the fire can be started quickly. Plus didn’t anyone think that there is a huge amount of fuel on the plane? Petrol is a great way to start a fire quickly. Plus there is heaps of useful resource on the plane still. Like the class could be used to make glass tip spears, or like I already said the fuel, or even the blankets that the plane attendant give you. Oh well the story goes as the author plans it.
We’ve come to another end to my blog, hope you have enjoyed it.

Bye for now.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Lord of the Flies Blog 2

Lord of the Flies! (30-60)

Hay everyone, this as you should know, is my second blog. I have just finished reading the second chapter of Lord of the Flies. This chapter had nothing much happening in it, but Jack and Ralph have had a discussion, plus Simon has made a shelter of his own somewhere secret.
My version of a Creeper

I understand that there hungry and all, but what makes Jack so eager to kill a pig? If I were stuck on an island I would look for water, food, then shelter and rescue. That’s of cores if I am alone but if I’m in a group I would split the jobs to make it easier. I have to ask what is a Creeper? The only creeper I know is the ones on ‘Minecraft’ which blow up, so I don’t think the author means those creepers.

Well I’m out of things and I know it was a short blog, but yer there wasn't much to write about. I hope you blog back or read my other blogs. Thanx for reading! Bye.